Monday 8 August 2011


Today Tim and I are off to Edmonton for a very quick visit in order to have our fingerprints scanned and our photos taken as part of our visa applications for entry to the UK.  (I am endlessly amused by the fact that though Tim is most likely out of the two of us to make money over there, he is submitting his application as a dependant on my study visa).

This will allow us to spend an evening with Tim sister and then tomorrow morning hike over to a high school where a private company will collect our biometric information.  Apparently the whole process takes about 5 minutes, which is somewhat disappointing since it will cost us approximately 12 hours of our lives in driving time to get there and back.  (For some strange reason, there are only four cities in Canada that offer this service.  I'm so pleased we are at least within driving distance of one).

Very happy to finally have the visa application rolling.  I'm getting antsy to book our flights.  And it would be nice to know that I can actually enter the country I'll be going to school in this fall.

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